I am a Certified Health Coach. I am also a wellness Practitioner/Therapist. I am in good standing with the UK Health Coaches Association.

I received my health coach education from the Blackford center in in the United Kingdom.  I am also a wellness Practitioner/Therapist, receiving my qualifications from the school of natural health sciences, London. This includes my qualifications to practice a fully accredited color therapist, aromatherapist and Mindfulness therapist.

My education has supplied me with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching and preventative health. Drawing from my background, training and life experiences, I fully support my clients as a holistic well-being guide. We work together to establish their own unique needs that will help produce their well being. Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Mental health are important factors in one’s life if they are to be completely healthy. Working alongside each other to come up with individual game plans for each client is what we strive to do together to reach optimum health in all areas of their life.

I am not a medical doctor, dietician or a nutritionist. I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics or nutrition. I make no claims to any specialized medical training nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. The contents on this website are not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational and self-empowerment only. Please consult with your wellness team, and then make your own well-informed decisions based upon what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions and stage of life.

a-healthy-way, will not provide any guarantee for the outcome result. This is solely a client responsibility for results achieved during and upon the completion of any program. a-healthy-way guarantees to fully support and provide the necessary information based on knowledge and expertise for the best outcome. There are no refunds on programs or products purchased, downloaded, viewed, copied or stored in an electronic format. This is industry standard. Therefore, the programs are non-refundable, so please read the full program details before purchasing any program or product.


Phone: 9821171482